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Have you lost weight using the Breakfast Cookies? Please let us know.

September 18, 2019 2 Comments

Have you lost weight using the Breakfast Cookies? Please let us know.

Hello Dear Customers,

The editor of a national magazine just asked if we knew of anyone fifty five or older who had lost weight on the Breakfast Cookies. ... because the magazine would like to do a holiday feature on us!

This would be very exciting for Susie's Smart Cookie and we would love your help in making it happen!

Thanks for letting us know your story and experience with the Breakfast Cookies (positive or negative!). We will keep all of your details confidential unless you grant us permission to do otherwise.

As always, thanks for being a valued Susie's Smart Cookie customer. 



Please send your confidential reply to



2 Responses

Susie Andrews
Susie Andrews

September 24, 2019

The suggestion in the advertisement is what prompted me to buy Susie’s cookies in the first place. I wasn’t successful the first time but I couldn’t help it ….. they were so GOOD. hahaha My name being Susie too might have had some influence also. Also getting vitamins too was important..
But now that I know you WANT to know if they helped me lose weight makes me want to try this NEW box I just got FOR THAT PURPOSE.
So this morning I just had half of one warmed up with butter and coffee and now I’m just paying attention to how long can go before I get hungry again.
Any other suggestions on how to work this in with a weight loss plan ?
and we will start this adventure together. Thanks for a seems to me positive product.
Susie Andrews


September 24, 2019

No, I haven’t been able to lose weight with the cookies. I probably have, however, been avoiding less healthy snacks by having some handy though.

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